Friday, October 23, 2009

Pelengkap hari

Salam adek-beradekku sekalian.

Wah wah terasa gembira dua hari ni. Projek shopping terancak sedunia telah berjaya dilaksanakan. Alhamdulillah. Berikut merupakan pelengkap hariku. Nak pinjam, cakap je tau. Bila-bila masa pun boleh:)

Murah beb!

The major works of Sigmund Freud...

Cari "Talking peace" tapi jumpa yang ni...ok je..eheh


“Books are not a commodity to be hoarded or collected, but were to be used and shared”

Terima kaseh Ya Allah!

Terima kaseh adek-beradekku!

Semoga kegembiraan itu bertebaran ke seluruh alam. Ameen.

*Cah, kite tanding dua ni...*wink*

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sarang, Amoure, Cinta?

Jason Mraz, Life is wondeful, my Fav song.

I love that quotation.
Sometimes we think we know ALL about
We are actually blind about

But once u love someone unconditionally,
Just love who they are.
Remember that,
Instead of hoping others to behave in accords of our own standard,
We are the
ONE who needs to do critical introspection.
Accept others like
ALLAH accepts us.

Because we are only HUMAN.
Yes, we are Human.

Hari itu pasti muncul..

My Conversation Station

I Converse in words which have meanings.

Seize the moments in NZ.
Da remaining days are aro
und 41 days.
Apparently, dat is not the exact remaining days.
'Force' to attend 2 WEEKS course.
Subtracts 14 Days,
Equals to 27 days.
Dont' forget to minus the days to
clean the room.
We need to find a shelter on 16th Nov.
So, we need to subtract 5 days.
In numerology, the exact total of remaining days is only 22days!
Still have tons of things-or-activities-have-to-do-in-Welly.
It's not plenty.
The activities require the shiny Sunshine.


On hold and still holding.
Just finished closing all the 'stocks' for this trimester.

Gosh, we all need MONEY to accomplish all the things before flying to Malaysia.
Indeed, all o
f us.
No money no talk.
Thinking of this, I could hear the sound of heavy breathing.

Then, i reckon i should dog-
earing all the books.
Yup ECLIPSE is waiting! Oh Edward! Oh Jake! :D
Maybe in different spots!
At the beach,
At the greeny grass,
Under a flowery tree,
Sitting on a bench viewing Oriental Bay,
In a shop?,
While eating
ice cream.
Yeay, Love that!

Love So Ji Sup's acting!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bolehkah aku menaruh kepercayaan padamu?

"Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave"

Kepercayaan ibarat memegang kaca yg paling nipis. Sekali pecah, selamanya akan hancur dan sukar untuk dicantum balik.Dan mungkin tidak akan tercantum lagi...

mengapa harus memungkirinya,
sedangkan aku menaruh harapan?
mengapa perlu menidakkan?
sedangkan aku mengiyakan.
mengapa kepercayaan sudah terkubur di hatiku?
ketika aku amat mempercayai.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Jatuh cinta

Salam adek-beradekku sekalian.

Rasa macam dah jatuh cinta dengan blog Adek-beradek kita yang dah bersarang lama ni. Haha. Best jugak ya update di sini. Kena rajin-rajin singgah sini selalula lepas ni.

Sebagai tanda kaseh dan sayang, nak kasi hadiah sket ni. Tiga menda ni really made my day! Ececeh...

Bergaya molek...

I think of You. Yuhoo! :)

Suka ah dengan yang ni...(minit ke 6:12)

I wish Islam was a coat that you can buy it in the store and just put it on and suddenly you're Muslim but it's not. It's not acquired with ease. It's painfully acquired.

Segala puji itu hanya milik Allah:)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sense of humour

Salam adek-beradekku sekalian...

Ini adalah entri yang bakal me"lagho"kan. Huhu. Tapi diupdate di sini sebagai kenangan comel di Bumi Wellington...

Sedang menjawab ujian RELI 252…

Section 1 (Multiple choice)

Ada dua soalan yang SANGAT menarik perhatian

*soalan diedit sedikit sebab tak ingat exactnya tapi lebih kurang macamni la.

Soalan pertama

In El Fadhl, the inventory term introduced was

a) Salafabis



Mana satu jawapan?

Soalan kedua

Al-Afghani is generally known as

a) being the namesake of tasty chocolatey biscuit

b) designer for modern Muslim women hijab

c) global renewer from the South Asia

Sudah terang lagi bersuluh dah yang mana satu jawapannya...

Ada lagi ni.

Ditemui dalam course outline.

Cara nak buat referencing.

Contoh diberi:

a) Following Scrimgeour

b) Lockhart contends that

c) Bagshot remarks insightfully that

d) Binns informs us that

Pelaku pertama: Nama watak Professor dalam cerita Harry Potter and the Half- Blood Prince

Pelaku kedua : Nama watak Professor dalam cerita Harry Potter lagi, kali ni dari Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret

Pelaku ketiga : Nama Professor lagi yang amat glamour dengan penulisannya, A History of Magic, nyanyuk di hari tua akibat disihir oleh si Voldermort yang berhati jahat

Pelaku keempat: Ingat tak dengan Professor yang paling rendah sekali dalam cite Harry Potter tu? Yang pakai spek tu? Haa, yang tu la Professor Binns.

Sori korang, inilah jadinya bila Peminat Harry Potter mula berbicara…Huhu

* Kesimpulan: Banyak sungguh idea lecturer kita yang seorang ni ya

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Never forget 2

Salam adek-beradekku sekelian,

Jumpa versi lagi baik ah. Huhu. Ni semua gara-gara test RELI esok la ni. Jadi tak keruan pula.

Never forget

Salam adek-beradekku sekelian,

Lagu yang menjadi peneman diri jua peneman Nisah buat masa sekarang. Betul dok Cah? *wink*

Nak dengar full version, boleh singgah sini. Yang versi bawah ni, berhenti pada waktu yang tak sesuai.

Never forget - Maher Zain

Every night and every day...

"...and celebrate the praises of Allah often (and without stint): that you may prosper" (62:10)